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Media Azi: Why Sanctions Applied by BC are Ineffective?

04 March 2019
809 reads
The Broadcasting Council has sanctioned eight out of the 13 TV channels that were monitored during the recent electoral campaign: initially with a public warning, and later with a fine of 5,000 MDL for violating the legal rules on campaign coverage. This means that the said channels kept violating the legal rules even after being sanctioned by the BC.
How does the BC Chair Dragos Vicol explain the inefficiency of the measures applied by the broadcasting regulator against these channels? The topic will be tackled during the Media Azi show, moderated by journalist Irina Gotisan-Sotnic.
Watch the show to find out why the BC did not penalise these broadcasters with higher fines during the election campaign in order to make them comply with the legal requirements.
See also why certain broadcasters have not been monitored before the start of the election campaign. And what should the BC do to bring the TV channels that turned into certain political parties’ PR departments during the election campaign, back to normality?


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