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Russian Media Expert: The Greatest Challenge for Journalists – to Say a Lot in Few Words

25 April 2019
629 reads
‘Although everything is constantly changing, the essence of journalism still resides in quality content, which will always be on the first place. Concurrently, nowadays journalism needs new formats and tools to keep readers’ attention, for which the competition is harsh’, the Russian media expert, Evgheni Gladin, said at a meeting with journalists orgnised by the Independent Journalism Center on 24 April 2019.
Several topics were tackled, such as creating quality content, content sharing platforms, panning editorial work in such a way that the produced material has the greatest impact possible on the readership.
The expert maintained that journalists’ greatest challenge is to convey the essence of the events the write about. ‘It is interesting watching how the journalists change their perceptions gradually and learn to convey in one short sentence a message they used to deliver using more words. The competition for readers’ attention is very harsh nowadays. You have a maximum of five seconds to make the reader pay attention to what you want to tell them. If you fail to do that, you obviously need to change something in your editorial policy’, Evgheni Gladin believes.
In his opinion, when preparing to write an article, the journalist should decide at the outset what its format will be and how it will be shared. ‘The format and the sharing platforms play a very important role in exercising the expected impact on the readers. Every editorial office must also establish very clear objectives, make short-, medium- and long-term plans and keep track of their implementation. That's because doing journalism nowadays is not only about writing. Quality journalism also requires quality management’, the expert believes.
Evgheni Gladin is a journalist, photographer and experienced editor. He has been working as a media consultant for Internews since 2014, providing consultation to a number of media outlets from the Eastern Partnership, including the Republic of  Moldova.

This event was part of the ‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)’ project, funded by USAID, UK aid and implemented by Internews in Moldova. Its purpose is to promote the development independent and professional mass-media and to build a media sector that is more resilient to political and economic pressure.