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Media Azi: MP Adrian Lebedinschi, about New Changes in the Audiovisual and PSRM Media Properties

29 July 2019
766 reads
With the change of the Government, the issues of media returned into authorities’ focus. How do MPs see their resolution? Journalist Anastasia Nani discusses this topic with MP Adrian Lebedinschi,  Chairman of the Parliamentary Committee for Media that also deals with the development and improvement of the legal framework in this area.

The parliamentary committee has already organized several meetings, where journalists and representatives of the civil society pointed out the priority changes in the media.

However, how do we deal with the concentration of media ownership and manipulation on the TV screen? What measures should be taken to bring balance and ethical standards to the TV channels belonging to politicians? Here are some of the questions that were addressed to Adrian Lebedinschi.

In the same context, the PSRM MP was also asked about the intention of Accent TV channel, owned by the Vadim Chiubara, to take over ‘Pervii canal’ from Prime TV. See how Adrian Lebedinschi commented these changes on the media market.   


The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.
This show is made possible by the generous support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK Aid. The contents are the responsibility of Independent Journalism Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Aid, USAID or the United States Government.