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The Ministry Approved the Curriculum for ‘Education for Media’ Optional Subject for Upper Secondary Education

20 August 2019
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The curriculum for the Media Education optional subject for upper secondary education (grades X-XI) was approved by the National Curriculum Council of the Ministry of Education, Culture and Research. The decision was made on 20 August 2019 at the Council’s meeting.

The document describes the didactic concept of the subject, contains the distribution of the topics by classes and reveals the competences that the high school students will develop. Thus, during the Media Education course they will learn to understand the role and the power of the media in a democratic society, to analyse the media content critically, to be aware of the online dangers by adopting a responsible behaviour and last, but not least, to become responsible media creators.
Based on the approved curriculum, the IJC will develop the textbook for grades X and XI and will organise trainings for teachers preparing them to teach the course to high school students.
The curriculum for the Media Education optional subject for upper secondary education is a logical continuity of the other two curricula, on the basis of which the subject is taught at primary and lower secondary level.
The media literacy course has been taught in schools in the Republic of Moldova since 2017. In the 2018-2019 academic year more than 1500 primary and lower secondary school pupils from over 40 schools took this course either as a optional class or during courses with their class masters.
The Independent Journalism Center has trained so far 124 primary school teachers and 101 lower secondary school teachers.
The curriculum for the Media Education optional subject for upper secondary education was developed by the IJC under the project "Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)", funded by USAID, UK Aid and implemented by Internews.