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Media Do not Pay Attention to Minorities in the Republic of Moldova. Conclusions and Recommendations

10 September 2019
638 reads
A monitoring report, developed by the Independent Journalism Center in Moldova, shows how media in the Republic of Moldova report on minority issues and diversity.  During a month, the authors assessed 10 media outlets, monitoring both the professional ethics of the journalists and the comments posted by media consumers. Find out at the Media Azi Show, moderated by media expert Aneta Gonta, what conclusions did the authors reach and what recommendations did they make for the editorial offices.

The show can be viewed on and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.
This show is made possible by the generous support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK Aid. The contents are the responsibility of Independent Journalism Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Aid, USAID or the United States Government.