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Media Azi Show: Why Should Media Outlets Not be Obliged to Register as Personal Data Operators?

23 September 2019
1027 reads
Media outlets would need to register as personal data operators in order to have free access to the databases with information on real estate, as well as the companies registered in the Republic of Moldova. This might be the case despite the fact that European states have already abolished such a provision a few years ago. How justified is such a condition that could be imposed on Moldovan journalists?

Find out explanations, arguments and counterarguments in a new edition of Media Azi Show with the guest Sergiu Bozianu, Chair of the Privacy Research Association.

The show can be viewed on, and portals and on the IJC’s Youtube channel.

This show is made possible by the generous support of the American and British people through the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) and UK Aid. The contents are the responsibility of Independent Journalism Center and do not necessarily reflect the views of UK Aid, USAID or the United States Government.