In many countries conflict and crisis endanger independent, accurate and objective journalism. Sometimes journalism even sharpens conflicts. It’s difficult to recognize propaganda, hate-speech and different interests of conflict-parties. Besides, the personal and digital security of the journalist is often threatened.
These problems will be the main focus of the journalism workshop organized by WECHANGE and taz Panter Foundation. 15 journalists will be invited to exchange their experience and discuss these issues with experts. Participants will meet local journalists and public stakeholders. They will get to know the German media landscape and exercise some techniques of conflict-sensitive journalism. Attendees will also gain an understanding of digital security.
Further information: Expenses including travel costs, hotel-accommodation in bedrooms (mostly shared by 2 persons) and most meals will be covered by WECHANGE. Participants should expect expenses of max. 50 € for personal needs. Requirement for participation: *Journalistic experience for at least 2 years in print-, online-, radio- or TV-outlets or as a blogger, *Good knowledge of Russian and English to follow discussions, *No former participation in workshops of Deutsche Welle or taz Panter Foundation, *Valid biometric passport. Application deadline: not later than on 13th of October 2019 23:59 (GMT +2 h)
If you are interested to apply please fill this form.
In case of any questions regarding the application process please contact us via email journalism@wechange.de ________________ WECHANGE is a cooperative of visionaries, developers and volunteers with one goal: social transformation towards the more aware, sustainable and ecological world.
The taz Panter Foundation is closely linked to „die tageszeitung“ (taz), an independent daily German newspaper (www.taz.de).
This workshop is financially supported by the German Federal Foreign Office.