26 December 2019
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The Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) and the Press Freedom Committee awarded the best journalists and media institutions of the year 2019 at the 25th edition of the Annual Press Club Gala, organised on 19 December in Chisinau.
At this edition of the Annual Press Club Gala ten awards were offered at seven categories.
The Journalists of the Year 2019 winners are as follows:
- Anatol Moraru, NordNews portal
- RISE Moldova
- Ilie Gulca, Madalin Necsutu, Center for Investigative Journalism
Video report
- Viorica Tataru, TV8
- Nicu Gusan, ‘Pur si Simplu’ show, Radio Free Europe Moldova
Print media
- Aliona Ciurca, Ziarul de Garda
- Felicia Nedzelschi, Stefan Grigoritra, Agora portal
- Olga Gnatcova, NewsMaker portal
- Oameni si Kilometri (People and Kilometers)
- Elena Covalenco, Oameni si Kilometri (People and Kilometers)
Hope the Year – Diana Popa, TV8
The Best Blog – Diana Guja, Teotitude.com
Evolution of the Year – NordNews portal
Innovative Journalism – Ziarul de Garda, ‘SP Balti’
Award of Excellence – Vladimir Besleaga
The IJC Scholarship was awarded during the event, in an amount of EUR 1,000. The scholarship was awarded to the student Ilinca Televca for academic performances and involvement in extracurricular activities aimed at promoting quality journalism.
Since 1995, the ‘Journalists of the Year’ Gala has been organized every year at the Press Club in Chisinau. The main purpose of this action is to support and encourage the efforts of journalists to make high quality journalism and adhere to international professional standards.