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The Fifth Power Hackathon goes online. Participants will create tools that will be used at the lessons of media education

15 June 2020
3582 reads
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) is launching the sixth edition of the Fifth Power Media Hackathon, on the topic of Media education: analyze, understand, create. The event will take place online in the period of August 7-9, 2020.

At this year’s hackathon, participants are encouraged to create tools that could be used by teachers at the lessons of media education, which is an optional course launched in 2017. These tools will also contribute to developing critical thinking among students.

Participants will have two days to develop projects in teams and to present demo versions of their products.

The event is open to teams of journalists, IT developers, programmers, designers, bloggers, media consumers, and so on. Teams have to register with a project idea. During the hackathon, the guest experts and mentors will provide participants with advice and expertise in online format to develop their projects.

Four winning teams named by the jury will receive grants of 4,250 dollars each to further develop and implement their ideas. After launch, the tools will be made public and will be free for users.

The online event will open on August 7, when the teams entered into the competition will meet experts and mentors and will be able to present their project ideas. On the second day, August 8, five experts will make presentations and master classes on topics such as the relevance of media education, Web 2.0 tools in the teaching of media education in schools, approaches to media education, development of informational discernment capacities, and skills to “read” news. Then, the teams will begin work on projects with the remote support of mentors.

On the third day of the hackathon, August 9, the teams will continue work on developing projects with the help of mentors. At the end of the day, the demo versions of projects will be finalized and presented to the jury, which will name four winning teams.

Information about the event and participation rules can be found on

Participation in the event is free, but registration is required. The interested persons can apply as teams with a project idea by filling in the registration form by August 1, 2020.
For further details, please write to us at

The sixth edition of the Fifth Power Media Hackathon is organized by the Independent Journalism Center as part of the project “Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova" (MEDIA-M), funded by USAID and UK Aid and implemented by Internews in Moldova.