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Media NGOs Condemn the Language of the MP Anatolie Labunet Against the TV8 Reporter, Natalia Ghetu

02 July 2020
1228 reads
The non-governmental media organizations are condemning the insulting language that Socialist Party faction MP, Anatolie Labunet, used against the TV8 reporter, Natalia Ghetu.

On 1 July 2020, footage showing the MP having an inappropriate reaction appeared in a social media network. To be more precise, responding to the questions asked by the reporter Natalia Ghetiu, the MP used obscene language that harmed her honor and dignity as a human being and violated the behavioral norms generally accepted in a democratic society.

The signatory organizations are indignant at this situation and believe this is inappropriate behavior for a person in a public position, particularly for a representative of the legislative power.

We demand that the Member of Parliament, Anatolie Labunet, make a public apology to the TV8 reporter, Natalia Ghitu, and use decent language and behavior and that he will refrain in the future from behaving in any way that is intolerant in relation to journalists and mass-media institutions.

We would also like to call on the leadership of the Parliament and of the PSRM faction to record this inappropriate behavior of Anatol Labunet and take penalizing action against him.
Independent Journalism Center
Association of Independent Press
Environment and Ecotourism Journalists’ Association
Center for Investigative Journalism
Association of Independent TV Journalists
Association of Electronic Press
Press Freedom Committee
‘Access-info’ Center