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IJC Awarded the Most Original Posters and Videos Made by Pupils during the Media Literacy Week

30 November 2020
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The Independent Journalism Center has nominated the winners of the media education poster and video contest organized during the Media Literacy Week 2020. The award events were held online on Friday, November 27, and attended by both the participants and the teachers who were also involved in organizing the third Media Literacy Week in Moldova.

To start the events, Mila Corlateanu, representative of Deutsche Welle Akademie in Moldova, congratulated the pupils for their efforts and creativity. “Judging by the materials I have seen, I have realized that pupils like you are well aware of the media world. These materials convince me that the Media Education lessons have paid off”, she said. Before announcing the results, Natalia Gribinet, head of the Media Literacy Program at the Youth Media Center, shared some tips for making distinctive photos, posters, or videos with over 40 participants, focusing on the importance of the image and the message.

This year, IJC organized two contests for two categories - for students from primary school and gymnasium and lyceum classes, respectively. The younger participants had to prepare a collage, a photo, or a poster on the topic “Me in the Media World”, and gymnasium and lyceum pupils filmed and edited video materials on the topic “Misinformation during the Pandemic”. In total, 75 materials were submitted; 48 of them were posters or collages, and 27 were videos. Seven prizes have been awarded to primary school pupils, and six to gymnasium and lyceum pupils. We invite you to see the winners’ materials.

Primary School

1st place. Alexandru Manole, Oleg Casu, and Calin Morozan, 4th grade, Dimitrie Cantemir Gymnasium, Ciocilteni Village, Orhei District.

2nd place. Chiril Berezov, 3rd grade, Dobrogea Veche Gymnasium, Dobrogea Veche Village, Singerei District.

2nd place. Xenia Todorova, 2nd grade, Taraclia Gymnasium, Taraclia Town.

3rd place. Valeria Florica, 4th B grade, Alexandru Ioan Cuza Theoretical Lyceum, Chisinau Mun.

3rd place. 4th C grade, George Calinescu Theoretical Lyceum, Chisinau Mun. Teacher: Viorica Morcov.

Mention. Andreea Balan, 4th grade, Liviu Rebreanu Theoretical Lyceum, Chisinau Mun.

Mention. 4th A grade, NicolaeTretiakov Theoretical Lyceum, Comrat Mun.

Gymnasium and Lyceum Grades
1st place. 
Sofia Bondarenco, Mihaela Miron, and Paola Rusu, 7th grade, Ion Luca Caragiale Theatrical Gymnasium, Chisinau Mun. Teachers: Aliona Bondarenco and Inga Cozac.

2nd place. 12th B grade, Onisifor Ghibu Lyceum, Chisinau Mun. Pupils: Andreea Cozma, Corina Tricolici, Elena Cazacu, Mihail Moldovan, Calin Prisacaru, Maxim Tiscenco, and Cristian Flocea. Teacher: Cristina Cernei.

2nd place.  Andreea Creciun and Emilia Chihai, 9th grade, Nicolae Iorga Lyceum, Chisinau Mun. Teacher: Olga Paicu.

3rd place.  Iulia Sandul, 12th U grade, Stefan cel Mare si Sfant Lyceum, Grigoriopol Town.

3rd place. Robert Alla, 10th D grade, Gheorghe Asachi Lyceum, Chisinau Mun.

3rd place. Loredana Angheluta, Iulia Bondarenco, and Vlada Cebanita, 9th grade, Ion Luca Caragiale Theatrical Gymnasium, Chisinau Mun. Teachers: Aliona Bondarenco and Elena Manoil.

During the third Media Literacy Week in Moldova held during the period of 19 - 25 October 2020, debates, public lessons, round-table discussions, meetings with parents, exhibitions, poster and photo contests, games, quizzes, and online safety lessons were organized. These events took place during the Media Education course or other lessons, as well as out of classes, and involved over 1200 pupils and teachers.

Silvia Ghenita, teacher at Olimp Theoretical Lyceum in Costesti Village, Ialoveni District, who has been teaching Media Education for lyceum grades since September, convinces her colleagues and pupils to be actively involved in promoting critical thinking. “The pupils have shown their interest and confessed to me that they would like to take part in more debates or photo contests, as they find them entertaining, but also learn many precious things from these activities, such as using information technologies and stimulating creativity and critical attitude”, the teacher remarks.
The events were organized as part of the “Strengthening Media Literacy in the Republic of Moldova” project implemented by the IJC with the support of Deutsche Welle Akademie and funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).