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În Lume

(18 – 23 August 2019)
On the 18th of August the...
When Russia wants to censor Google
Reporters Without Borders (RSF) has called on the Kyrgyz authorities to allow the opposition Aprel (April) television channel...

The German conservative politician Ursula von der Leyen (CDU) was just elected as the new President of the Commission of the European Union. The...

Peste 200 de caricaturiști din 20 de țări ale lumii au adresat o declarație către UNESCO cu solicitarea de a recunoaște...
On the 10th of July the British Foreign Secretary, Jeremy Hunt, announced the...
A warning from Scotland Yard following publication of leaks has sparked off indignation...
Russian media institutions could not participate to an...
Google ocupă primul loc, urmat de Twitter, la categoria libertatea de exprimare, în Indicele...