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Internews seeks an evaluator for its “Strengthening Independent Media in Moldova” project

12 Iulie 2016
1439 de afişări
Internews seeks an evaluator for its “Strengthening Independent Media in Moldova” project, which was implemented in partnership with the Independent Journalism Center. This two-year project aims to increase Moldovan citizens’ access to objective information about domestic and global issues of public importance by enhancing independent media’s ability to reach a larger print and online readership. Through its activities, the project strives to promote the values of ethical, professional and fact-based journalism, an independent editorial policy, and freedom of expression, including for online media.
The project is based around the following two objectives: 
➢          Objective One: Provide independent media outlets with tools and strategies to increase their audience reach in Moldova, establish strong links to the communities they serve, and enhance their market share in both the marketplace of ideas and the economy.
➢          Objective Two: Support independent media to be able to provide high-quality information that meets journalistic standards and engages the public in a discussion of key and complex issues of public concern.
The evaluation will assess the reach and impact of project activities over the past two years, determine the effectiveness of the methods used to achieve the objectives, and review the sustainability of the approach. Internews expects that the evaluation process will take approximately 10-12 days of work to complete. The deadline for receipt of the final evaluation report will fall in mid-August.
The evaluator(s) will:
·       Conduct a document review to include the project proposal, quarterly reports, journalistic materials produced as a result of the project, local media coverage of project activities, etc.
·       With Internews and IJC, develop a methodology to address specific research questions
·       Conduct interviews with project staff, trainers, and beneficiaries (potentially including focus groups) in Romanian and Russian
·       Write an evaluation report (approximately 10-12 pages, preferably in English) assessing the impact of the project according to agreed-upon research questions and providing recommendations for future programming in the same sphere
Interested applicants should submit a letter of interest in English detailing their experience and qualifications to complete this work, along with a daily or project-based rate, to Internews at evaluationMD@internews.org. Companies and individuals are invited to apply. This deadline for applications is Monday, July 18.