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În Moldova

Jurnaliștii susțin că adesea primesc răspunsuri formale sau întârziate de la instituțiile statului, iar comunicatorii, la...
Journalists argue that they often receive formal or delayed responses from state institutions, while communicators, in their...
Журналисты утверждают, что часто получают формальные или запоздалые ответы от государственных учреждений, а коммуникаторы, в...
The National Action Plan (NAP) for the years 2017 - 2019 regarding the fulfillment of commitments regarding the media field,...
In an interview published by Media-azi.md on February 27th 2017, journalist Natalia Morari spoke about the reorganization of TV7...
The administration of the public TV channel has launched...
The management of Moldova 1 TV station has rejected the request of Action and Solidarity Party (PAS) and Dignity and Truth Platform Party (PPDA...
The Ministry of Economy and Infrastructure (MEI) proposes to postpone the deadline for transition to digital terrestrial television...