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A Petition Filed by Journalists a Year Ago Still Waiting for the Lawmakers' Review

05 May 2015
1064 reads
The petition concerning media access to plenary sessions of Parliament, signed by hundreds of representatives of media and media consumers, including via, was sent to the leadership of Parliament a year ago. However, the lawmakers have not yet reviewed it.
“We urge the leadership of Parliament to solve immediately the issue of granting to the media access to the meeting hall of Parliament and to fulfill the countless promises made earlier. Limiting the access of journalists to the plenary sittings of Parliament and confining them to a room lacking adequate working conditions is a violation of the right to freedom of expression and the right to work. Besides, it runs contrary to the principle of transparency in decision making”, the petition says.
The signatories remind the Members of Parliament that they are in the service of the people and are paid from public funds. Therefore, every citizen is entitled to know the position of each MP regarding the issues under discussion.
On the occasion of the Press Freedom Day, the author of the initiative – the Center for Independent Journalism – underscores the message of the petition and asks for the support of the journalists and the participants in the events organized to mark the Press Freedom Day, expressed by signing the petition. It can be signed at CIJ headquarters (Chisinau, 53 Sciusev Street) or online


Photo Source: Media Azi