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The Press Freedom Days Send a Strong Anticorruption Message This Year

04 May 2015
1291 reads
Key media organizations - the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), the Independent Press Association (API) and the Electronic Press Association (APEL) - launched the one week-long marking of the Press Freedom Days in Moldova. Related events will start on Monday, May 4, and run over the whole week. The launch took the form of signing by nine media NGOs of the Press Freedom Memorandum (May 3, 2014 - May 3, 2015), which summarizes the main current issues concerning local media.

Nadine Gogu, IJC director, highlighted the key points in the Memorandum: the outpouring of Russian propaganda into our country through local channels broadcasting programs from the Russian Federation; transparency of media ownership, which is not yet secured, since a law passed to this effect will come into force only in autumn; the danger of media concentration in the hands of political players, including during transition from analogue to digital media. In this context, Nadine Gogu recalled, among other, the faulty behavior of some media outlets during the election campaign last year, the lack of independence of the Coordinating Council for Broadcasting, the Supervisory Board of Teleradio Moldova and the Supervisory Board of the regional Public Broadcaster Gagauzia Radio Televizionu.

Some of the media NGOs' recommendations to the authorities included in the memorandum are: to implement without further delay the provisions of the Government Program for 2015-2018 concerning the media, to ensure the security of the national information space through legal mechanisms that would not affect the freedom of speech and other values of a free press and, not least, to ensure the access of the media to the plenary sittings of Parliament - a problem that has persisted throughout the period of reference.

In his turn, IPA director Petru Macovei presented some data on the lack of protection of journalists globally. Thus, according to the International Committee to Protect Journalists, 1,122 journalists have been murdered in the world from 1992 to 2015. "They were attacked, murdered for being journalists", underscored Mr. Macovei, adding that although there have not been such cases in Moldova, fortunately, the "protection of journalists is not ensured in this country either". Petru Macovei gave as an example several cases of physical and verbal abuse of media representatives mentioned in the Memorandum, such as the beating of activist Oleg Brega in June 2014, a case that has not been solved to this day. It is by no incident that Moldova fell by 16 positions in the ranking of the Reporters without Borders in 2014. The IPA director urged the government to get aware that "journalists are a key element of democracy".

APEL Chairman Ion Bunduchi made reference to the Corruption Index global ranking, which places Moldova the last among 144 countries in the chapter on Corruption in Justice. "This is where we are now. I had some hopes for the media back in 2009, but they never came true. The world takes a day to mark the Press Freedom Day, while we have been trying for the last several years to organize decades/weeks that we call Press Freedom Days, to  advocate for more freedom for the press", concluded Ion Bunduchi.

In this context, the expert reminded that the transition to digital television is to be completed in June, while the government has adopted a program to that effect just two weeks ago. "When it should have been completed, we're just starting", he commented on the situation. In his view, Moldova has become the hostage of political players. In conclusion, Ion Bunduchi urged fellow journalists to act together, as information is a factor contributing to general welfare. "We vote as we are informed", he added.

The Press Freedom Days are marked by an array of events and actions. The agenda is available on the webpage of Media Azi. It includes: the launch of the campaign "The Media and the People Demand: Stop Corruption!", the mounting of a "Roll of Shame" listing the enemies of the press, in front of Parliament; the signing of a petition to defend and promote press freedom and access to information. There are also planned several events in regions: many regional media outlets will open their doors to the public, will offer subscription discounts; also, the Telemarathon "Media Pluralism" will be held. 
At the press conference, Nadine Gogu, IJC director, urged the journalists not to resort to passive coverage of the Press Freedom Days, but to also act in solidarity with the organizers and participate actively in all events.