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Protesters demanding airtime on Teleradio-Moldova

28 September 2015
1519 reads
Protesters and activists from the Great National Assembly Square (GNAS), led by the representatives of the civic platform “Dignity and Truth” (“DA”) and of the Union of Pensioners of Moldova, protested on Monday, September 28, at the offices of the national television Moldova 1 and of the national radio, where the Supervisory Board (SB) was having a meeting. They demanded airtime and accused the national public broadcasting company Teleradio-Moldova (TRM) of unilateral coverage and even disregard of some events from the center of Chisinau. On the other hand, the company’s leadership finds that the public broadcaster abides by all legal rules concerning objective coverage of important events in the country.

About one hundred persons gathered at the office of Teleradio-Moldova to express their disapproval of the national television’s editorial policy. Victor Leanca, president of the Union of Pensioners of Moldova, shared his indignation with the fact that Moldova 1 television failed to cover the pensioners’ protest of September 25 near the Parliament’s building.
The representatives of protesters from the GNAS repeatedly demanded airtime on Moldova 1 and on national radio in order to publicize their requests. They had a meeting with TRM President Olga Bordeianu and members of the SB. Protesters claimed that news on Moldova 1 are censured and that people in the country’s regions are not informed correctly about the events in the capital. Their demands included resignation of the TRM president. Protesters warned that they would set up tents at the TRM offices if the company continues ignoring their demands.

In her turn, Olga Bordeianu promised to carefully examine the protesters’ demands and to prepare an answer. In her opinion, the public television objectively covers the events that take place in society. TRM president mentioned some materials produced by BBC, which, in her opinion, confirm that Moldova 1 provided a neutral coverage of the September protests.
Supporters of the “DA” demands believe that TRM has become a tool in the hands of influential Moldovan oligarchs. The Monday protest at the company’s offices is one of the series of protests initiated by them. Previously, on September 11, they presented a number of demands to Moldova 1 Director Mircea Surdu, and on Sunday, September 20, they organized an automobile protest.
Supporters of the “Youth of Moldova” unionist movement have also recently demanded airtime on TRM.

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