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“Timpul” Newspaper Launches its TV Station

17 May 2016
1367 reads
The Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) has examined and approved on Tuesday, 17th of May, the request of “Timpul de dimineață” periodical for issuing a broadcasting license for “10 TV” television channel. The broadcasts of this TV station will include domestic programmes, own programmes and rebroadcasts of the programmes of “Naşul TV” from Romania.

According to Silviu Tanase, director of the periodical, “10 TV” will be an informative and debates station. The own broadcasts will make up 56% of the programming. The station will also rebroadcast documentaries and talk shows of “Nașul TV” channel from Bucharest. “In the beginning, we intend to produce a short newscast of 15 minutes. The 56% of own broadcasts will mainly consist of studio talk-shows. In the future, if we succeed to attract more advertising, we will possibly have longer newscasts”, Silviu Tanase said during the BCC meeting.

At the same time, the director of “Timpul de dimineață” periodical also mentioned that the newspaper’s editorial staff consists now of 20 employees, most of whom have a TV professional experience and they will produce a share of domestic broadcasts.

The programming will include the following broadcasts: „7 zile în Europa”, (“7 Days in Europe”), „Ora de veghe”, (“The Lookout Hour”), „Cronica de noapte” (“Night Chronicle”), etc.

The BCC members unanimously accepted the concept of the new TV station. “I support the idea of this project, because it gives the Moldovan public the opportunity to have access to a TV channel from Romania”, Mariana Onceanu - Hadârcă stated.

The broadcasting license is valid for a period of 6 years. This TV station’s programmes will be transmitted through the broadcasters of the country.