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The Recommendations of the Beneficiaries of the Media Education Project: „The Journalists Have to be Fair, Professional and to Respect the Deontology”

19 August 2016
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The Independent Journalism Centre invited the beneficiaries of the project "Promotion of media education and professional standards in press for an informed public" to a meeting of evaluation of the project results, implemented by IJC in the period of March -August 2016. The pupils and teachers, who attended lessons of media education, participated at the event, as well as the journalists present at the training "Ethical rules and topical journalistic practices". The meeting was moderated by the media expert Viorica Zaharia, also involved in the project.
The pupils from the villages Vasieni, Ialoveni district, Carpineni, Hancesti district and from "Vasile Alecsandri" High School  from Chisinau told how they would apply in practice the knowledge from the lessons of media education, emphasizing the fact that they get the information from several sources and read the news from different perspectives. The present teachers mentioned the  topicality of the subject because nowadays the information comes from everywhere and even the school urges the youth to document themselves from the press when they discuss topical issues. Daniela Vacarciuc, the principle of "Vasile Alecsandri" High School from Chisinau, who is teacher of history, says that the lessons of media education were useful to her, helping her teach the pupils to cope with the barrage of news, without being manipulated.
Even if it was a evaluation lesson of the studied material, the practical exercises were present. The media expert, Viorica Zaharia, asked the participants at the meeting to analyze two pieces of news in terms of structure, angle of approach to information and, of course, the correctness of the facts. The pupils identified "evidence" of manipulation and other gaps from the news, coming with suggestions to improve the journalistic materials.
At the end, the participants were urged to develop some recommendations for media, so the readers can find more accurate and truthful information in press. According to their recommendations, the journalists have to be fair, professional, receptive, to respect the deontology, not to label, to express themselves in an accessible language and to offer a larger space to positive news. At their turn, the journalists present at the totalization meeting addressed them their grievances and namely: to cooperate with the journalists and offer the necessary information, to filter the information they access and to diversify the sources of information.
The Independent Journalism Centre is the first media organization which initiated activities of media education, and beginning with September, this year, will return with a new series of lessons on media education for the pupils from the Republic of Moldova.
The activity is part of the project "Promotion of media education and professional standards in press for an informed public ", implemented by the Independent Journalism Centre (IJC) in the period of March-September 2016, with the financial support of the organization Civil Rights Defenders (Sweden), IJC partner.