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The Independent Journalism Center Announces the Results of the “Moldova Plus” Multimedia Package Authors Contest

22 February 2017
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The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) has named the winners of the contest for selection of authors of “Moldova Plus” multimedia packages, which will be produced within the “Strengthening Independence in Communication Media in Moldova, Georgia and Ukraine” project.

Having evaluated the applications received, the jury chose five teams/authors that gathered the biggest score to produce the seven packages. Four of the topics for “Moldova Plus” packages – Education/Tolerance, Migration, Unemployment, Domestic Violence – were suggested by the jury of the project, and three will be established together with the project’s partners from local media after contracts with winners are signed.

1. will prepare one package – “Moldova Plus Migration”;
2. will prepare two packages – “Moldova Plus Domestic Violence” and “Moldova Plus Unemployment”;
3. New Project Media will prepare two packages – “Moldova Plus Education/Tolerance”, and the second topic will be established together with partners from local media;
4. Elena Robu will be the author of one package (the topic will be established together with partners from local media);
5. will prepare one package (the topic will be established together with partners from local media). 

Members of the jury were Sorina Stefarta, Director of the School of Advanced Journalism; Petru Macovei, Executive Director, Association of Independent Press (AIP); Diana Raileanu, journalist, Radio Free Europe; Dumitru Lazur, journalist, RISE Moldova; Angela Sirbu, Project Director, Internews.

Overall, seven applications were filed for the contest, and the evaluation criteria included, among other things: the team’s professionalism, quality of portfolio, originality of the concepts proposed, and reasonable budget for activities.

The period for production of one multimedia package will be four weeks. The first package is to be launched in March 2017.

“Strengthening Independence in Communication Media in Moldova, Ukraine and Georgia” is a project of the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) from Moldova and Internews, carried out in the period of September 2016 – May 2018. Contact person: Rodica Catareu, project coordinator,, phone: 022 213 652.