24 March 2017
1557 reads
In the period of 6 June to 3 July 2016, several media organizations – the Independent Journalism Center (Moldova), the Press Club of Yerevan (Armenia), in partnership with Internews Ukraine, MEMO 98 (Slovakia), the Council of the Journalistic Ethics Charter of Georgia, the Association of Journalists of Belarus and a group of experts from Azerbaijan – monitored the media content in the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries and in Russia in terms of promotion of propaganda stereotypes.
Recently, based on monitoring, the study titled “Propaganda: Deepening of the GAP in mutual understanding)” has been published. The research aimed to identify the degree of influence of Russian propaganda on citizens of EaP countries and propaganda lies promoted by Russian televisions. Authors analyzed media products containing hate speech, discrimination, racism, doing manipulation, etc.
Overall, they found 44 stereotypical propaganda messages, frequently used in the media of the 6 countries and in Russia. E.g., message 10: “The Eastern Partnership is an anti-Russian project, aimed to diminish the role of Russia and its influence in the former Soviet Union countries. It leads to the poverty and loss of sovereignty of the partner countries”; message 19: “The future wellbeing of Ukraine and other EaP countries (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Belarus) is possible only in an alliance with Russia (under the EAEU)”; message 29: “Moldova has no chance to survive economically without Russian market because nobody else needs its products,” etc.
The study was developed under a project financed by the Czech Foreign Ministry and the Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, and it is accessible in English and Russian languages.
Recently, based on monitoring, the study titled “Propaganda: Deepening of the GAP in mutual understanding)” has been published. The research aimed to identify the degree of influence of Russian propaganda on citizens of EaP countries and propaganda lies promoted by Russian televisions. Authors analyzed media products containing hate speech, discrimination, racism, doing manipulation, etc.
Overall, they found 44 stereotypical propaganda messages, frequently used in the media of the 6 countries and in Russia. E.g., message 10: “The Eastern Partnership is an anti-Russian project, aimed to diminish the role of Russia and its influence in the former Soviet Union countries. It leads to the poverty and loss of sovereignty of the partner countries”; message 19: “The future wellbeing of Ukraine and other EaP countries (Armenia, Georgia, Moldova, Azerbaijan, Belarus) is possible only in an alliance with Russia (under the EAEU)”; message 29: “Moldova has no chance to survive economically without Russian market because nobody else needs its products,” etc.
The study was developed under a project financed by the Czech Foreign Ministry and the Secretariat of the Eastern Partnership Civil Society Forum, and it is accessible in English and Russian languages.