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The BCC Issued Public Warnings to Several Broadcasters for Failure to Abide by the Broadcasting Code

27 April 2017
779 reads
Thursday, April 27, the Broadcasting Coordinating Council (BCC) applied public warnings to several televisions for failure to abide by article 11 paragraph (3) of the Broadcasting Code of Moldova, which stipulates that own and domestic information and analysis products aired by a broadcaster shall constitute not less than 80%.

Following a decision of the BCC, 16 televisions – Moldova 1, Publika TV, Canal 3, TV 7, Prime, CTC Mega, Euro TV, Realitatea TV, N4, TVC 21, Accent TV, ITV, NTV Moldova, Noroc, RTR Moldova, and Ren Moldova – were monitored for 7 days each.

The report revealed violations of article 11 paragraph (3) of the Broadcasting Code at eight out of the 16 broadcasters. Thus, following discussions, the BCC decided to issue public warnings to Euro TV, Ren Moldova, RTR Moldova, Prime and TVC 21.

Publika TV, Canal 3, TV 7, CTC Mega, Realitatea TV, Accent TV and NTV Moldova were pointed out to the need to strictly abide by the broadcasting legislation.

No infringements were registered at Noroc, N4, Moldova 1 and ITV, which provided the required 80% of own and domestic information and analysis products in the Romanian language.

According to the BCC, the worst situation was found at Euro TV and Ren Moldova, where the share of own and domestic information and analysis products in Romanian is 0%, while at RTR Moldova it is only 20%.

Referring to RTR Moldova, BCC member Dragos Vicol pointed to another serious problem: on Saturdays and Sundays the entire broadcasting is in Russian, with shows retransmitted from the Russian Federation, which allows “penetration of news with a hint of media poisoning into our information space.”

All 16 televisions will be subject to repeated monitoring.