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“Same meat, different gravy!”

17 May 2017
1462 reads
In the context of amendments to the Broadcasting Code, according to which an individual or a legal entity cannot hold more than two licenses in one administrative-territorial unit, “Media Azi” portal returns to the issue of media concentration. We asked journalists and experts to share their views on the effectiveness/ineffectiveness of modifying the law. How do you think, to what extent these amendments may reduce the phenomenon of concentration on the broadcasting market of Moldova?

Lillia Zaharia, special correspondent of the Association of Independent Press:

“The change of ownership just on paper does not solve the problem of media concentration. Only a legal procedure was performed, just to show that the law is respected. But in terms of editorial policy nothing has changed. It is proved by the coverage of the protests that took place on May 14 in front of the Parliament of Moldova. Both the websites of the Prime TV and Publika TV and the websites of the channels owned by Oleg Cristal (Canal 3 and Canal 2) had the same news. Nothing surprises us anymore. It’s like in that proverb, “Same meat, different gravy!”

The problem of media concentration can be solved only with political will. But this, in my opinion, will not happen soon, since the government understood that the media is the most important tool to promote their interests, and journalists help them do their game.