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TV 8 Brings New Faces to the Screen. BCC Approved the General Concept and Name of the Channel

13 June 2017
2263 reads
The Broadcasting Coordinating Council approved on Tuesday, June 13, the application for re-licensing the TV 7 channel into TV 8, as well as for the channel’s general concept and list of programs. The broadcast schedule will include several talk shows and newscasts in Russian and Romanian languages. The journalists who previously worked at TV 7 channel will work as editors and hosts, along with some new names in the world of television.

Thus, among the authors and hosts TV 8 will feature: Natalia Morari (“Politica”), Mariana Rata (“Cutia neagră”), Sergiu Tofilat (“WatchDog Tofilat”), Olga Stepanenco (“Budni stilista”), Igor Botan and Andrei Popov (“Popov Botan Battle”), Ion Terguta (“GeoPol cu Ion Terguta”), Angela Stafi, Ala Dontu, Angelica Frolov and Diana Guja (“8mart SRL”), Veaceslav Cunev («Progressorica»), Angela Brasoveanu (“Egoist cu Angela Brașoveanu”), Andrei Bolocan (“Contuzia săptămânii cu Fedot”), Mihail Sirkeli (“Regional MS”), Artiom Tkaciov (“Eat & Fit’), Andrei Popov (“Diplomația populara”), Iana Stepanenco (newscasts in Russian), Angela Gonta (newscasts in Romanian). The channel will also retransmit “Alb & Negru” show created by Elena Robu for and “Punct şi de la capăt” show by Vasile Botnaru from Radio Free Europe.

Media Azi asked some of the new authors about their intentions with the shows and what message they want to deliver to the public.

Thus, Viaceslav Cunev, author of the “Progressorica” show, said that he will try to discuss, together with its guests, “technology advantages and drawbacks for every country, business and person as well”. According to him, the need in such a show is caused by the changes in our daily life, “which we have to be aware of in order to make our own life strategies, in accordance with the global reforms that bring technological modernization.”

Talking about the “Cutia neagră” (Black Box) show, its author Mariana Rata described it as rather a talk show about corruption and legal problems, which are not frequently covered in the media of Moldova. “Cutia neagră” is the place where we intend to discuss and analyze the journalistic investigations which appear in the press as well as to conduct our own investigations of illegalities and cases of corruption. We will try to take out of the governors’ “black box” the skeletons that they hid there to get rich and influential. We want to offer our citizens an opportunity to learn more about how public funds are stolen, how people suspected of corruption occupy important public positions, etc. The goal is to minimize as much as possible the corruption tolerance among citizens. Strong societies are those where citizens refuse to tolerate illegalities,” Mariana Rata said.

Expert Sergiu Tofilat will review and analyze economic issues weekly with his guests. “My purpose is to develop culture and critical thinking among the people. Authorities frequently make decisions that have negative consequences, but still promote them by means of false and misleading information. We’ll analyze what is good and what is bad, but so that everyone could understand,” Sergiu Tofilat said for Media Azi.

Journalist Angela Brasoveanu is still looking for a title for her show, choosing from several versions. One thing is for sure – “it will be an hour-long show where I will discuss with public personalities that did something important during the week and with less public persons with interesting biographies.” In addition, Angela Brasovianu would like to address in her show some important issues, so that every viewer could get a life lesson.

TV8 will be on the air as soon as the BCC decision is published in the “Official Monitor”.