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„Moldova Sport“ Reorganizes into „Impact TV“

21 June 2017
2143 reads
The TV station „Moldova Sport“ transforms into the general profile station „Impact TV“, after having gone through several difficult financial periods. The new owner is the politician Marcel Darie, the leader of the party „Frontul Salvării Moldovei“ (Moldova's Salvation Front) and president of the National Armwrestling Federation of Moldova.

According to Tatiana Cociu, the general producer of the station, the reorganization strategy consists in „launching a new type of small, but efficient television, that will keep the viewer informed fairly, equidistant and impartial.“

At present the team made up of journalists, who are at the beginning of their career, is being built up. „Everyone will have the chance to grow up and become very good reporter or  moderator at the new television“, says Tatiana Cociu.

Asked by Media Azi (Media Today) about the editorial policy that Impact TV will have, the producer specified: „We will have several social projects, entertainment, culture and political talk-shows. Also, the viewing grid will contain shows for children, as well as sport. In this regard we are preparing something beautiful for lovers of strong sensations“.

Most likely these products will reach viewers in the fall of this year. For the time being, maximum within one month, rebroadcasting of „B1“ TV station from Romania will start, as well as the broadcasting of local news bulletins in Romanian and Russian. Journalist Doru Dendiu, known for his collaboration with NIT, EuTV, TVR and Jurnal TV will be the director of the News department of the new station.

We should mention that Moldova Sport was the first sports television station in Moldova, launched on May 30, 2014, and recognized as a personal project of Tudor Gorea, the President of Moldovan Kickboxing Federation.  

The current owner of Impact TV, Marcel Darie, is a politician who comes from the business world and who, in 2011 and 2015, ran for the office of the mayor general of Chisinau.