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New Draft Broadcasting Code Might Be Voted in the Spring of 2018

10 November 2017
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According to the announcement made by Speaker of Parliament Andrian Candu at the November 10 meeting of the working group created for improving media legislation, the deadline planned for approval of the new draft Broadcasting Code is the spring of 2018. Also, the Speaker said that this draft code will be sent for an expert opinion to the Venice Commission.

The new draft Broadcasting Code is being prepared by the experts of the first specialized subgroup out of the eight subgroups in this working group. The deadline for presentation of this document is December 2017.

The experts involved in the development of the new Broadcasting Code said that work on the document is about to be completed.

“We have practically finished chapter 10, final and transitional provisions. We are now waiting for written proposals from subgroup members to last chapters, and we already have such proposals for the first four chapters,” said media expert Ion Bunduchi.

The subgroup is scheduled to meet on November 22 to discuss the last chapter of the draft, and on December 5 the document will be presented to MPs, experts said.

Vladimir Hotineanu, chairman of the Parliamentary Commission for Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sports and Mass Media, proposed at the meeting to send this document to the Parliament sooner, so it can be voted in December in the first reading. “In the spring-summer session we will already have it in the second reading, and by the next elections we will already have a new Code,” Hotineanu suggested.

Andrian Candu, in his turn, mentioned that the Parliament will organize, in the middle of December, public debates with all stakeholders about this draft law. “Let’s not forget that after this draft law is registered at the end of December, it will have to be sent to the Venice Commission for expert examination. We can’t vote it in the first reading without an opinion from the Venice Commission,” Candu remarked.

The working group for the improvement of media legislation is a platform for communication and a mechanism for cooperation between the Parliament and representatives of media outlets, international institutions and media NGOs. The group was created in June 2017 at the initiative of the Parliament Speaker Andrian Candu, with the support of the joint project of the European Union and Council of Europe “Promoting Media Freedom and Pluralism in Moldova.” Technical assistance is provided to the group by Freedom House, Internews, Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency and US Embassy in Moldova.