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A Group of Moldovan Journalists Asked Authorities to Allow Them an Interview with Vlad Filat

04 December 2017
1365 reads
A group of journalists made a joint request for an interview with former prime minister Vlad Filat, detained in Prison no. 13, according to The news portal published photos with the request, signed by six journalists.
The document was signed by journalists Vasile Botnaru (Radio Free Europe), Lorena Bogza (Pro TV), Natalia Morari (TV8), Gheorghe Gonta (TVC 21), Nicolae Negru (Ziarul National), and Igor Volnitchi ( The group of journalists made the joint request to Minister of Justice Vladimir Cebotari, to Correctional Facilities Department Interim Director Aureliu Suhan, and to Director of Prison no. 13 in Chisinau Igor Pantea.

In support of their request, journalists refer to the rules of national and international legislation. They motivated their undertaking by the fact that Vlad Filat used to hold important positions in the state and was convicted for corruption and influence peddling by a final and irrevocable court judgment.

“Also, please note that Mr. Vlad Filat was accused of very serious offences and was tried in closed judicial proceedings, where access of the media and of the general public was prohibited,” the request says.

The journalists underlined that this is a high-profile case and for this reason the civil society should be provided with information of general interest that results from this lawsuit.

The request was registered by the three above-mentioned institutions, according to the photos published by Tribuna.