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The Acceptance byJournalists of a Business Trip to Turkey, as well as of Some Gifts, Covered by the MedicalPark Clinic, Was Discussed at the Press Council

02 April 2018
804 reads
The members of the Press Council (PC),  following the business trip of a group of journalists to Turkey, covered by the MedicalPark Clinic, decided that the features journalists worked on did not clarify the case, and that the fact they accepted the gifts offered in Turkey contradict the professional ethical norms of journalists.

The PC members recommended the editors to take into account the context of certain conflict situations, in order to make accurate decisions on how to reflect such topics. According to the PC, accepting gifts offered to influence journalistic activity represents a violation of the Code of Ethics.

In this context, the PC announced that it will support the publishing of ethical norms guidelines and relevant recommendations for journalists, which would help regulate such situations.

PC member, Ludmila Andronic, mentioned that if newsrooms decide to publish paid articles, these articles should have been marked as paid features in order to have a fair relationship with the readers.

PC President, Viorica Zaharia, stressed that the value of the information collected by the journalists who travelled to Turkey did not add more clarity to the case. ‘No editors came out publicly to say: We are working on this matter, there are still a few unanswered questions and we would like to travel there but we don’t have the money. Let’s start a crowdfunding initiative or something else, and send a team there. The idea did not cross anyone’s mind until they were told: We will take you there for free! And then, the need surged for everyone to do what RISE didn’t,’ stated Zaharia.

We remind you that RISE Moldova Investigation — ‘Money from Charity’, which targeted the platform and a private clinic in Turkey, appalled the public opinion. After the features were published in the media, the MedPark private clinic from Turkey invited, on its own expense, through a PR Company from Moldova, a number of Moldovan journalists to visit the clinic for a presentation of their views on the information that appeared in the media.  RISE Moldova did not receive such an invitation, while Ziarul de Garda and PRO TV Chisinau, on ethical grounds, did not accept to travel at the expense of a party involved in a critical journalistic feature.