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The IJC Launches an Online Platform About and For Media Education

28 March 2018
684 reads
The  Independent Journalism Center launches the Media Education Online Platform on Wednesday, March 28. This platform is an integral part of the portal and is dedicated to students, parents, and teachers from Moldova, as well as to anyone who interested in media education.

Here you will find useful information on media education: the Media Education Manual for the grades 3 and 4, the primary and secondary school curriculum, and a variety of entertaining materials – videos, short tests and quizzes, games, articles about the latest trends, etc.
Through this Media Education platform, we would like to increase access to credible and professional resources on media education and to be closer to all those who have so far been uninterested in this sphere.

The Media Education platform has four sections and several sub-sections, and soon their content will be supplemented with the Russian version of the materials.

The IJC is the first media organization to start media education activities, back in 2014. It organized media literacy lessons at nearly 100 schools in the country, summer camps, and a media hackathon; in addition, since September 2017, the optional course of Media Education has been piloted at approximately 30 schools.
The online platform is produced by the Independent Journalism Center as a partner in the project “Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion, and Accountability in Moldova” (MEDIA-M), funded by USAID and implemented by Internews. The MEDIA-M project aims to promote the development of independent and professional media in Moldova, giving citizens access to a variety of perspectives and helping develop a media sector more resilient to political and financial pressures.