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The Parliamentary Committee for Mass-Media Issued its Legal Opinion on the Draft Law on Advertising. Vladimir Hotineanu: ‘These drafts are our commitments towards the EU and it seems that we should pass them before the Parliament recess’

11 July 2018
1189 reads
The Parliamentary Committee on Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Media approved on Wednesday, 11 July, the draft Law on Advertising, which aims to make Moldova's advertising market more transparent and to protect the information and economic space of the press. This initiative is part of a package of media laws, which the Parliament could adopt by the end of the current session.
The Committee members voted for the co-report without debating it. It is to be examined by the Committee on Budget, Economy and Finance, and by the end of the current session, to be passed in both readings. ‘These drafts are our commitments towards the EU in the media field. It is about the Code of Audiovisual Media Services, but also other drafts, including the Law on Advertising, which will be part of the same package.  And it seems that we should pass them before the Parliament recess’, Committee Chairman Vladimir Hotineanu told
The document regulates the establishment and implementation of the legal regime for messages of public interest, requirements for ensuring transparency on the advertising market, self-regulation in the field of advertising and political advertising during the extra-electoral period, etc.
It provides, inter alia, for the establishment and implementation of the legal regime for political advertising during the extra-electoral period; it sets forth who cannot be a provider of political advertising, as well as the fact that the payment for broadcasting political advertising can only be made by bank transfer. 

The draft Law on Advertising, developed by experts of the Independent Journalism Center (IJC), was registered in the Parliament on 4 June as a legislative initiative by three MPs — Speaker of the Parliament – Adrian Candu, Vladimir Hotineanu and Corneliu Mihalache.

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