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Three Vacant Positions at BCC. Parliament Waits for Files of the Candidates

16 November 2018
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According to an announcement on Parliament’s website, Parliamentary Committee for Culture, Education, Research, Youth, Sport and Mass-media launched an employment competition to fill in three vacant positions of member of Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC).

The contest is announced because term of the three BCC members - Iurie Colesnic, Cristina Duca and Olga Barbalata, was over on 16 November.
The application files can be submitted during 19-30 November, from Monday to Friday, between 9:00 AM - 12:00 AM - 1:00 PM - 5:00 PM at the Parliamentary Committee, room 912.
Candidates to the position of member of the BCC will be selected by specialised Parliamentary Committee and Parliamentary Legal Committee for Appointments and Immunities, that will subsequently submit them to the Parliament for confirmation.

Under the current legislation, mandate of a BCC member is six years.
According to new Audiovisual Media Services Code, which must enter into force on 1 January 2019, mandate of the members of Broadcasting Council (it will be the name of regulatory authority) will also be six years. The Broadcasting Council will consist of 9 members, 5 of them must be of the same gender. Among them: two will be proposed by Parliament, one by President and six members, proposed by the civil associations, will be selected through a public contest.