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IJC Nominated Five Winners of ‘What do I learn at the Media Education course?’ Video Materials Contest

09 November 2018
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The pupils who enrolled in the ‘What do I learn at the Media Education course?’ Video Materials Contest, organized by Independent Journalism Center (IJC), were invited on Friday, November 9, in Chisinau to find out the results.

The event was also attended by the teachers who were involved in conducting the Media Literacy Week. They told about their impressions and made recommendations for the next editions.

Silvia Cricovan, the teacher at ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ High School, said that Media Literacy Week was a challenge from the beginning, but she managed to cope with the support of high school administration, pupils and parents. ‘Throughout the week I organized a number of media education activities that aroused the pupils and parents’ enthusiasm and curiosity. Among these, I would name meeting with the journalist of Radio Free Europe Diana Railean, with whom they discussed what does it feel like to be a journalist, and the visit to the museum, where they saw how the media evolved. Also during this week children wrote an article for the ‘Florile Dalbe’ newspaper. We all had very productive and creative moments’ Silvia Cricovan told us.

Valeria Cater, a teacher at ‘Mihai Eminescu’ High School in Drochia, pointed out that Media Literacy Week was an extra opportunity to discuss media education in a different context than the didactic one. ‘In order to make media education more interactive, parents supported the initiative to buy a TV in the classroom. Our lessons are more interesting now’, Valeria Cater said.
Participants of the video contest had the task to make a video with a maximum duration of 1.5 minutes, explaining various aspects of media education, saying what they mean by media education, what they have learned and how to use knowledge gained at the lessons. Altogether, 20 videos were submitted, five of them were awarded for creativity and ingenuity. Among these are:
The First Place. III B Form, ‘Nicolai Gogol’ High School, Chisinau Municipality.

The Second Place. Paula Popovici, IV D Form, ‘Alexandru Ioan Cuza’ High School, Chisinau Municipality

The Third Place. Elena Brehoi, III A Form, ‘Mihai Eminescu’ Secondary School, Orhei

The Fourth Place. the IV Form, ‘Mihai Eminescu’ High School, Floresti   

Fifth Place. Maxim Stanchevici, IV D Form, Primary School of Floresti.       

Media Literacy Week was organized by the Independent Journalism Center during 22-28 October. The event was attended by about 600 pupils, 50 teachers, and 80 parents. The activities took place in 20 high and secondary schools from Falesti, Floresti, Causeni, Straseni, Orhei, Criuleni, Leova, Drochia, Rabnita and Chisinau municipality.

Media Literacy Week is part of ‘Strengthening Freedom of Opinion in the Republic of Moldova’ Project implemented by IJC, supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.