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The Parliament Confirmed the Three New Members of BCC – All of Them Are Former Employees of the Authority Regulating Broadcasting

14 December 2018
1273 reads
The former chair of the Broadcasting Coordination Council (BCC) who worked since the communists governance were in power and the current democratic MP Corneliu Mihalache, the deputy head of BCC’s General Division for Licensing, Authorization, and Monitoring, Lidia Viziru, and the head of BCC’s Legal and Regulation Department, Iulian Rosca, were confirmed as members of the BCC. The Parliament approved this by majority vote of 55 MPs during the Friday session on the 14th of December.

The new members of the BCC were selected from the 10 candidates who participated in the competition organised by the Parliamentary Committee for Mass-Media. We remind that besides them, Vitalie Bujnita, Nicolae Spataru, Nicolae Fabian, Viorel Molea, Marcel Marin, Corneliu Mihalache, Victoria Son and Leonid Smolnitchi applied for the positions too.
In a post on Facebook, Petru Macovei, the executive director of the Association of Independent Press (API), didn’t exclude the fact that the new member of the BCC – Corneliu Mihalache, could become the future chair of the Council.

The three new members will fill the vacancies at the BCC, after the expiry of the mandates of Iurie Colesnic, Cristina Duca and Olga Barbalata on 16 November this year.
The members of the Broadcasting Coordination Council are appointed by Parliament for a six-year term.