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Public Opinion Barometer: TV and Internet are the Main Sources of Information Used by Moldovan People

02 January 2020
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According to the latest Public Opinion Barometer (POB) for December 2019, people have the highest trust in media sources from Moldova. The media from the European Union (EU) ranks the second, followed at a small distance by media from Russia. The Report was published on 30 December by the Institute for Public Policy (IPP).

Thus, according to the answers, 60% of respondents trust the Moldovan media and about 50% of the respondents trust the EU media. The Russian media is also very close to the European media with about 48%, and Romania has a little over 40%.

At the same time, people have the highest level of distrust in the Russian sources – over 40%, and in the ones from Romania – about one third.

Source: BOP.

At the same time, respondents reported television as the most trusted source of information (29.9%). In this regard, out of all media sources, the radio (5.5%) surpassed the Internet, which although represents a source of information for many people in Moldova, is still considered a reliable source only by 3.5%.

Source: BOP.

‘Thus, there are major gaps between the information channels and the level of confidence in those channels in the Republic of Moldova’, mentions the Report.

Source: BOP.

The first information option is Moldova 1 (26%), but if all the options are summed up, then Prime TV channel gathers almost 50%, which surpasses Moldova 1 (43%). Jurnal TV ranks the third, followed by PRO TV. Publika TV is mentioned by less than 5% of the respondents as the main source of information, but it is an important channel as the second and third option, summing up to 25% of the users, comparable with Pro TV. RTR Moldova and NTV Moldova have 17-18% – the sum of their three main options.

Source: BOP.

As regards information sites, the respondents mentioned both media sources and social networks. (Komsomoliskaia Pravda) ranks the first – 13%, as the first option and gathers 27% as the sum of the three main options. – 15% (the sum of three options), – 13% follow next.

The POB authors claim that the fact that social networks are mentioned ‘proves that some people get informed directly from social networks, without always knowing the source of the information or that this is how they use several sources of information without assigning too much importance to one or the other’.

At the same time, director of IPP program, Arcadie Barbarosie, added at the POB launch conference that, for comparison, in January 2019, when asked about three most important information sites, respondents indicated Facebook – about 61%, Odnoklassniki – about 42%, and – about 18%. Barbarosie does not exclude that respondents misunderstood the question and will check in the next survey the variations of answers to this question.

Public Opinion Barometer sociological survey was conducted in the period between 7 and 23 December 2019, on a sample of 1,187 respondents in the Republic of Moldova, except for the districts o the left bank of the Nistru River. The survey was conducted by Date Inteligente at the request of IPP.