The document signed by the prosecutor Ghenadie Pirlii states that the complaint of Chirtoaca that requests an investigation into the statements of the head of state on the sale and acquisition of TV channels Accent TV and Primul in Moldova ‘does not meet the requirements concerning the form and content provided for by the Code of Criminal Procedure in order to be examined in criminal proceeding and that solving the flagged issues does not fall under the duties of the Prosecutor’s Office, which the author of the request was informed about’.
At the beginning of January, Dorin Chirtoaca, requested the Prosecutor’s Office to investigate how the Russian billionaire, Igor Chaika, the son of the former Prosecutor General of the Russian Federation, Iurii Chaika, acquired 51% of the company ‘Media Invest Service’, which owns the TV channels Accent TV and Primul in Moldova and which manages the portals mail.ru and ok.ru in our country. The leader of PL wanted to know which was the role of the President Igor Dodon in this transaction, referring to the statement of the head of state of December 26, who said that the channel Primul in Moldova would soon have owners from the Russian Federation.