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Survey: Television – the Top Information Source about Coronavirus

17 March 2020
871 reads
The television is the main source of information about coronavirus and the source the population trusts most of all in this regard. News websites rank second. Social networks are also an important information source on this topic, but according to the survey on the perception of the population about Covid-19 and to the electoral barometer presented on 17 March by the company Date Inteligente SRL (iData), they are not very trusted.

According to the data, almost three quarters of the respondents claimed that they got their Covid-19 news from the television (74.4%), and more than half of them – from the social networks (52.7%). A share of 40.3% checks out news websites, while 20.3% get their news from the Ministry of Health and other official releases. Other 17.2% get information from doctors and, first of all, from the family doctor. Radio is the source of information for 16.8% while 15% get their information from relatives and friends.

Co-workers and newspapers are at the end of the ranking and almost 1% of respondents answered they didn’t seek information at all. "It is important that almost everyone seeks information and uses various sources, of which the TV is almost indispensable in the majority of the cases. Besides the TV, people go to social networks and different sites and speak to close people", Mihai Bolocan, Executive Director of iData commented.

The survey sheds a different light when citizens are asked about how much they trust the information sources. Thus, 40% of respondents said that television is their main source of information about Covid-19 and that they trust it. News websites ranked second – about 30 points away from the TV – 13.2%. The next are relatives and friends – 11.4%. "It is curious that, by the level of information sought, relatives and friends were much lower down the list, but probably, those who get information from relatives and friends also trust them the most", highlighted Bolocan.

The releases of ministries ranked fourth in terms of trust (10.9%), followed by social networks, which didn’t enjoy too much trust – only 6.7%, although social networks were the second choice of people in terms of sources of information, co-workers (2.7%), radio (2%), doctors (1.7%) and newspapers (0.2%).

As much as 11.4% of the respondents did not want to answer or comment on the questions.

The survey covered 326 individuals via phone and through the expert method. The experts (17 individuals) answered alongside all the questioned citizens. The data was collected between 13-15 March and covered 42 administrative units, including three from the left bank of the Nistru River, with a maximum sampling error of -/+ 5.45%.