The course is structured as several modules and e-training units allowing civil servants to become familiar with:
- the regulatory framework provisions regarding access to information;
- the procedure of access to information: subjects in the process of obtaining and providing information, conditions and ways of filing applications/petitions, deadlines for satisfying requests for access to information, payments for providing information, redirecting applications, etc .;
- protecting the right of access to information;
- sanctions for breaching the right of access to information.
In recent years, the Independent Journalism Center has made continuous efforts to improve the legal framework regulating the field, including the Law on Access to Information.
This course has been developed by the Independent Journalism Center (IJC) within the project Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova” (MEDIA-M) funded by USAID, UK Aid and implemented by Internews in Moldova, which aims at promoting the development of independent and professional media and creating a media sector more resistant to political and economic pressure.