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The Parliament Appoints Three New Members of the Broadcasting Council

09 July 2020
1293 reads
The legislative authority has decided to appoint Ala Ursu-Antoci, Larisa Manole, and Ion Robu as members of the Broadcasting Council (BC) by the majority of votes. Thus, the authority will act with a full bench. The opposition considers that the results of the contest were rigged by the PD and the PSRM parliamentary majority.

Ala Ursu-Antoci and Larisa Manole will act as board member until December 7, 2023, and Ion Robu proposed by the head of state is appointed until April 3, 2021.
Media Azi has previously written about the fact that the appointment of new board members was preceded by accusations at the legislative authority. 

Initially, the Parliament’s Permanent Bureau approved four candidates for the competition to fill two vacancies. Subsequently, the deputies appointed three winners. The PAS deputy Lilian Carp has criticized the competition, mentioning that it had been rigged, and the parliamentary majority had appointed loyal persons for political reasons. The parliamentarian from the DA Platform, Vasile Nastase, has also mentioned that the contest was rigged, and the Permanent Bureau of the Parliament acted as a “political filter” that would not admit persons not affiliated to the parliamentary majority to the competition. “The contest had to take place within the commission”, Nastase points out.

According to the CVs made public, Larisa Manole currently works as an editor at Moldpres State Information Agency, and from 2008 to 2017, she was a press officer of the Liberal Democratic Party of Moldova. Previously, she also worked for Euro TV,, and Teleradio-Moldova.

Ala Ursu-Antoci is currently the head of the cabinet of the Socialist Party faction at the Parliament and a lecturer at the College of Ecology. From 2015 to 2019, she was a counselor at the office of the president of the PSRM faction. She also ranked 43rd in the list of electoral contestants in the national constituency for the 2019 parliamentary elections.

Ion Robu is the editor-in-chief of “Știința culturii fizice” magazine at the State University of Physical Education and Sports. From 2007 to 2018, he worked as an editor at Moldpres. Previously, he worked at BASA-press, Flux, Fotbal hebdo, Săptămâna, Moldova Sportivă, Cuvântul, and other publications.

The Parliament’s decision on appointing the three members can be contested in court.

Foto: (from right to left, in the top row - Ala Ursu-Antoci, Larisa Manole, Ion Robu).