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NTV Moldova and Primul în Moldova, affiliated to PSRM, for two months in the top of viewer’s preferences in Chisinau

19 August 2020
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The television station NTV Moldova, affiliated to the Socialists, has been the leader among the preferences of viewers in Chisinau for two consecutive months, according to the data of the audience measurement TV MR MLD. Thus, in June and July, NTV Moldova ranked first in the top of views in Chisinau, ahead of RTR Moldova, which had been in the top for several months. Primul în Moldova ranks third.

In July, NTV Moldova, which is the station of the leader of the Socialist faction in the Parliament Corneliu Furculita, had a rating of 1.5 points, followed by RTR Moldova with 1.31 points and the Primul în Moldova with 1.22 points.

At the same time, there has been a steady increase of Primul în Moldova in the ranking for Chisinau – from 0.94 in January to 1.22 points in July.

All these three televisions are in the top of viewers’ preferences at national level, too, only in another order: RTR Moldova comes first, followed by NTV Moldova and Primul în Moldova.

In addition to their own programs, these stations broadcast audiovisual programs purchased from the Russian Federation, in Russian, which are popular among viewers in Moldova. According to the measurement, the NTV Moldova programs that had the highest rating last month in Chisinau were Local News, the series “Investigation led by …,” and “DNA.” The most watched program of RTR Moldova was “Moldova News,” followed by “Friday with Anatolie Golea,” and the series “The Test.”

The most watched programs of Primul în Moldova among viewers in Chisinau are the game show “Field of Wonders,” Local News, and the talk show “Let them speak.”

It should be mentioned that NTV Moldova and Primul în Moldova are in the list of televisions in the national multiplex that broadcast in digital format. RTR Moldova is not on this list yet.

Another factor that allegedly influenced consumers’ preferences is the positioning of the TV station in the cable TV providers’ list of offers. For example, on the list of StarNet, which has the largest subscriber base, NTV Moldova, RTR Moldova, and Primul în Moldova are on positions 19, 20, and 33, respectively. The provider with the second largest share on the market by the number of subscribers is Moldtelecom. This company has a different order: Primul în Moldova is 2nd, NTV Moldova is 9th, and RTR Moldova is 17th. On the list of the third largest cable company, Orange, Primul în Moldova is 5th, NTV Moldova is 9th, and RTR Moldova is 11th.

Grila Moldtelecom.

Before October 2019, the station Prime TV of the former democrat leader Vlad Plahotniuc was also in the top of TV audience in Chisinau. It began to lose ground after the Russian television Pervyy Kanal terminated the broadcasting contract with Prime TV and concluded it with Primul în Moldova (formerly Accent TV).