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‘The Fifth Power’ Hackathon Invites the Journalists and IT Developers to Create Multimedia Apps

14 June 2019
560 reads
The Independent Journalism Center launches the 5th edition of ‘The Fifth Power’ Hackathon, this time with a Multimedia theme. The event will take place between 28 and 30 June 2019 in Chisinau.
This edition of the hackathon invites the participants to create innovative web apps and tools that can be used in designing journalistic materials.
The participants will have two days to develop team projects and present their demo products.
We invite teams of journalists, IT developers, programmers, designers, bloggers, media consumers, etc. to participate in the hackathon. The teams, consisting of 3-5 people, can register for participation with a project idea. During the hackathon they will benefit from the expertise and advice of national and international mentors.
At the end of the hackaton, four winning teams will receive grants of USD 4,250 each. They will have several months to complete their projects. The apps and tools created as part of the hackathon will be provided free of charge for use.
The hackathon will be launched on 28 June. The teams registered will get acquainted with the experts and mentors and will be able to present their project ideas. On the second day, the experts and mentors will make presentations related to the hackathon, giving the participants some suggestions for developing their project ideas. The presentations will cover topics such as: the challenges the multimedia journalism faces, how do we turn multimedia projects into inspirational sources, the importance of diversifying multimedia formats, how do we insert multimedia tools into the journalistic content, etc. Subsequently, the teams will start work on their projects, being supported by the mentors and experts.
On the third day, 30 June, the teams will continue to develop their projects. At the end of the hackathon, the demo projects will be completed and presented, and four of them will be designated winners.
For further information about the event and the rules of participation, access
Participation in the event is free, but pre-registration is required. Interested individuals can register as a team with a project idea, completing the registration form until 20 June 2019.
For further details, please feel free to contact us at 022 213 652 (Training and Communication Department).
The 5th edition of ‘The Fifth Power’ Media Hackathon is organised by the Independent Journalism Center under ‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova (MEDIA-M)’ Project, funded by USAID and UK aid and implemented by Internews in Moldova.