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“Divided by Two”: Equal Opportunities in Elections for Men and Women

13 December 2017
1295 reads
How can equal electoral opportunities be created for men and women and what should electoral contestants do to abide by the principle of equal opportunities, especially in the new electoral system? How will the Central Electoral Commission encourage political parties to achieve the 40% share of women when they nominate candidates, and what do contenders risk if they are careless about balancing gender representation? You can find answers to these questions in the new episode of the “Divided by Two” [“Împărțit la doi”] show.

The IJC has been releasing the “Divided by Two” show since April, aiming to bring to the attention of the general public the multiple aspects of gender issues and to present positive models of involvement of men and women into various spheres of life. All the shows produced so far can be found on the IJC’s portal in the section of Shows (Emisiuni).