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“Divided by Two”: Masculanized and Feminized Professions on the Moldovan Labor Market

24 May 2017
1430 reads
The third “Divided by Two” [Romanian “Împărțit la doi”] show presents the examples of Olga Kulik, the only woman pilot in Moldova, and of Emilian Cretu, make-up artist, who followed their passion and dismantled the stereotype that some professions are intended only for men and others – only for women. Protagonists speak about their experience and about the challenges they had to overcome in order to do the job they wanted.

This edition of the show also discusses about the way labor market in Moldova is divided and about why we still face prejudices regarding the specific roles of women and men.

The Independent Journalism Center has been producing the “Divided by Two” shows aiming to bring gender issues to the attention of the public and to present positive models of involvement of women and men in various spheres of life.

“Divided by Two” shows are produced as part of the “Media for Gender Balance” campaign implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.