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“Divided by Two”: Paternal leave

02 August 2017
1424 reads
In our society usually mothers take care of raising children. In order to make fathers more active in the process of child education, for about a year there is a new term appeared in the family dictionary as well as in the Labour Code - that of paternal leave. Igor Muntean is one of the fathers who has taken such a leave for being closer to his wife and daughter after her birth. How much did this new experience value we'll find out from the new aprents.
The Labour Code stipulates that this leave can be taken only within the first 56 days since the child's birth, for a duration of two weeks. The data presented by the National Social Insurance House state that there are almost 1500 people till June 2017, who have requested paternal leave. So, we can certainly affirm that by accepting paternal leave, the Republic of Moldova did a great step towards gender equality.

In order for the father to benefit from this kind of leave and to come into the possession of the allowance, he has to respect some criteria and present a set of documents to the National Social Insurance House. Which are the requirements and what documents are necessary for the request of paternal leave find out from the  TV show "Divided by two".
The "Divided by Two" shows are being made within the "Press Equalizes Gender!" (orig. "Presa echilibrează genul!") campaig, implemented by the Centre for Independent Journalism with the financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.