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“Divided by Two”: What Is Sexual Harassment and How Do We Fight It?

13 September 2017
1654 reads
What if you are assaulted with compliments while in the street, at school, in college or even at your workplace? What is the difference between being courted and sexually harassed?
Tatiana Chebac, Promo LEX lawyer, is convinced that our society is not so well informed about the sexual harassment phenomenon and believes there is need for some campaigns to encourage victims to denounce the aggressor.

Psychologist Sorin Scutelnic says that when sexual harassment happens in public places and the aggressor is an unknown person the victim is likely to get over the disagreeable situation more easily. Things become more complicated and even serious when aggression occurs at the workplace, at school or in college, because the person is being stressed over a longer period of time with a significant emotional and mental impact.

Find out what the law says and what you should do if you end up in such a situation in the new edition of the “Divided by Two” [Romanian “Împărțit la doi”] show.

The "Divided by Two" shows are being made within the "Media for gender balance!" (orig. "Presa echilibrează genul!") campaign, implemented by the Independent Journalism Center with the financial support from Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, through the Swedish Embassy to Chisinau.