The IJC will launch an advocacy campaign to promote media education in schools. In this regard, a study will be conducted to identify the opportunities for introducing the media education as a subject in the school curriculum. This initiative of the IJC will be subject to the analysis in the framework of a workshop of the representatives of pre-university education and of the Ministry of Education.
In July, the IJC will hold a media hackathon, an event aimed at promoting the critical media consumption, using web or mobile applications, alongside with other innovative tools. More details on these events will be available in May.
The IJC is the first media organization to launch a media education project in the Republic of Moldova.
These activities will be conducted in the framework of the project "Strengthening the freedom of expression in the Republic of Moldova" implemented by the Independent Journalism Centre with the support of Deutsche Welle Academie and funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development of Germany.