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The IJC Launched the 2017 Moldovan Press Status Index Report

28 February 2018
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The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) published the 2017 Moldovan Press Status Index Report on Wednesday 28 February 2018. The document is an analysis of the situation of mass-media across the country for 2017 and includes: a description of the methodology; chronology of the main events from the reference period that have a direct or indirect impact on the mass-media situation; expert opinions and assessments.

According to the used methodology, the mass-media status is analysed based on seven relevant indicators, which are the following: legal framework regulating the mass-media activity; political context; economic environment; professional environment; quality of the journalism; informational security from media point of view; journalist security. IJC chose this methodology because it makes a ‘diagnosis’ not only for the mass-media in the whole, but also for each aspect/indicator separately.

The Report is divided in chapters that correspond with the seven indicators. Besides the mathematical results of the assessment of mass-media situation, each chapter contains a brief chronology of relevant events from 2017 and a generalization about expert rationals for the score they granted.

Such an approach provides a broader overall image of the situation of mass-media during the reference period. At the same time, the Report shows the areas where it is appropriate to intervene to improve the situation of the media for the benefit of the citizen and society.

The Report also explains why the legal framework regulating the mass-media and the informational security from media point of view bear hardship. In addition, it make clear why the journalist security and quality of journalism from RM encounters serious problems.

In addition, the authors come up with relevant recommendations aimed at improving the situation in the area.

Three annexes, including notes and experts assessments, can be found at the end of the Report.

The author of the document is the media expert, Ion Bunduchi.

The Report was drawn up under the ‘Media Enabling Democracy, Inclusion and Accountability in Moldova’ (MEDIA-M) Project, carried out by IJC and Internews and funded by USAID.