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The Independent Journalism Center launches the “Best Journalists of 2016” contest

12 October 2016
909 reads
The Independent Journalism Center (IJC) and the Committee for Press Freedom invite journalists from local and national media outlets to submit documents for participation in the contest of materials, which will result in naming the winners of the Best Journalists of the Year contest, 22nd edition.
This year, the process of choosing the Best Journalists of the Year involves both a contest of journalistic materials and nominations by the Administration Council of the Independent Journalism Center. The top list will be made of journalists who, by their work in 2016, significantly contributed to strengthening independent, democratic and professional press in Moldova. The number of awards can vary depending on journalists’ performance in 2016.

TV Journalism;
Radio Journalism;
Online Journalism;
Investigative Journalism;
Print Press;
Local Press. 
Special awards:

Debut of the Year;
Evolution of the Year;
Hope of the Year;
For the Best Blog;
For the Best Media Campaign;
For Innovative Journalism (Media Innovation);
Excellence Award. 
The participation file shall include:

•  3 own journalistic materials, produced and published in the period of January-November 2016 (materials can be of various journalistic genres: interview, report, news story, talk show, analysis, commentary, feature, documentary, show, investigation, etc.);
•   Updated CV with a photo;
•   A statement on the authenticity of journalistic materials signed in original. It can be downloaded here.
The submitted files will be evaluated by the juries formed for the different categories in the contest. They will be made of civil society representatives, journalists, experts in various areas of activity. The members of the IJC Administration Council will introduce additional nominations in order to complete the list of candidates proposed for awarding.
The Rules for selection of Best Journalists of 2016 can be found here.
We invite you to actively participate in the contest, by sending your documents to or bringing them to the Independent Journalism Center at 53 Sciusev Street, Chisinau, MD-2012.
Deadline for submission of documents: November 15, 2016, at 18:00.
For details, please contact Natalia Sarioglo, Program Coordinator of the Training and Communication Department. Telephone: (022) 21 36 52.
This activity is supported financially by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency through the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.