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Information Poisoning Is Very Bad for Your Health!” – A New IJC Video

26 January 2016
1462 reads
“Test results, please, psychiatric exam results … Really?! The same diagnosis for everyone – information poisoning!” says the doctor (played by actor Gheorghe Pirlea) in a new video spot produced by the Independent Journalism Center.

The protagonists of the video are media consumers who come to the doctor with different health issues after watching news, political programs, unprofessional debates, which ignore professional ethics and unscrupulously manipulate public opinion. These people suffer from one disease – information poisoning!

To be cured and to become immune, the IJC recommends to patients … to seek news of good quality that meet the following requirements: answer the mandatory questions of “Who?”, “What?”, “Where?”, “When?” and “How?”; are based on at least 2 independent sources; the journalist presents only facts, without any personal opinions, and uses simple, correct expressions, without any jargon.

The video has been launched by the IJC – the first organization to have initiated activities for promotion of media literacy in Moldova. Such actions will continue in 2016, aiming to contribute to educating media consumers.

The video material was made out within the project “Freedom of expression and media development in Eastern and South-Eastern Europe and South Caucasus", implemented by CIJ during the period May-September 2015, supported by Deutsche Welle Akademie and financed by German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development”.