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Media Azi: ‘The Fifth Power’ Hackathon between Dismantling False News and Innovations

16 July 2018
936 reads
At the first edition of ‘The Fifth Power’ Hackathon in 2016 on media education, the teams enrolled in the contest created various digital tools meant to largely provide information about this relatively new field in the Republic of Moldova. After two years, participants focused on dismantling false news and manipulation. What could be the impact of these digital tools and how to make media education more attractive for young people who spend much of their time in the virtual space?

Find out the answers to these questions in a new edition of the Media Azi talk show, moderated by the journalist Anastasia Nani, having Corina Cepoi, director of the Internews representation in Moldova, and Victor Spinu, co-author of the Trolless application, as her guests.

“Media Azi” broadcast is weekly produced by the Independent Journalism Center. It is intended to disclose the problems faced at present by the journalists of the domestic media and to identify solutions to hem. The broadcast may be viewed on the websites, and, as well as on the Youtube channel of the Independent Journalism Center.
The broadcast was produced with the financial support of the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, provided by the means of the Embassy of Sweden in Chisinau.