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Media Azi: The ‘cake’ of election advertising. Who holds all the power?

18 February 2019
704 reads
  The radio or TV election advertising is one of the ways to reach the citizens who will go to the polls on Sunday, 24 February, to elect the MPs, who will represent them in Parliament. How efficient is this tool? What are the gaps in the laws related to the election advertising? How can be explained, for example, the rates of about EUR 4,000 for one minute of election advertising set by certain TV channels? 
The topic was discussed during a new edition of Media Azi program, moderated by the journalist Nicolae Negru, who had media researcher Ion Bunduchi, executive director of Free Electronic Press Association, as his guest.

Emisiunea poate fi vizionată pe portalurile, și și pe canalul Youtube al CJI.
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